What is ear community acupuncture?
These treatments involve the same great community setting as Community Acupuncture, but getting acupuncture only in your ears. Ear acupuncture or NADA treatment involves treatment in zero gravity chairs with people wearing regular clothing and the gentle placement of 5 small disposable needles into specific sites in each ear.
These sites correspond to different parts of the body. The 5 designated acupuncture points that are used include: Lung, Kidney, Liver, Shen Men, and Sympathetic. The organ points, Lung, Kidney, and Liver, promote organ recovery and detoxification. Ear point Shen Men translates to “Spirit Gate” and is a powerful point to calm the mind and ease anxiety. The Sympathetic point relates to the autonomic nervous system and has a strong pain relieving and relaxing effect.
Ear Acupuncture specifically will help:
- Ease anxiety
- Reduce feelings of stress, frustration and anger.
- Promote restorative sleep
- Improve sense of well-being
- Alleviate withdrawal symptoms
- Reduce cravings
- Promote organ recovery
Receiving acupuncture in a communal setting has many benefits:
- Friends and families can come for treatments together
- Many people find it comforting to be treated in a group
- There is a collective energy of healing established, which makes treatments more effective
- It is more affordable
- Treatment time can vary depending on personal needs
This treatment is right for you if:
- You are open to being treated in a group setting
- You can sit in, and get in and out of a zero gravity chair, or can receive treatment in your wheelchair *more accessible options coming soon
- The cost of private treatment is a barrier to accessing services
- You are just looking for acupuncture and no other Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment modalities
- You don't need to ask a lot of questions or tell a lengthy history to have a therapeutic experience